I had a lot of people message me in regards to my stance on wearing white pants in the fall & winter. We have all heard of the rule, "No white after Labor Day", in my mind that was a haters way of making everyone do what they wanted them to. LOL. Maybe that hating ass person didn't have any white to rock after labor day, or maybe it just didn't look good on them. Either way, no will be telling me what I can or can not wear, whenever the mood strikes.
With this outfit of the day, I decided to rock my favorite boots. I freakin' love these boots and they really edged up the look for me. I was going to opt for the zebra print peep toe shoes, but I chose the zebra print bracelet instead. I found that bracelet in a beauty supply store for $1.99, one of my favorites. I made some chandelier earrings and i wore that with a necklace that sort of matched. Considering my hair is so short, I have to actively remind myself to make my looks more femme, otherwise I look like my name should be Bertha. No offense to any Bertha's but I don't want to look like you.
This shimmery shirt, which was a head turner and the topic of many compliments, came from Goodwill for $1.00. It looked like crap on the hanger. I wasn't even going to buy it. However, like I preach to so many of you, don't judge a piece by the hanger. I chose to use this as my basic item (like a t-shirt) by wearing it under the blazer. It was also the inspiration to my makeup palette and it created that feminine feel I was looking for with it's pink hue.
For my makeup, I'm all about color and drama. I have pretty good skin, so if I'm looking for a subtle look, I won't even bother with the makeup most days. Today it was about a femme edge. I chose to use the colors from the blouse, which I don't use often. I was overdosing on pink as a child, considering my mother thought all girls had to wear it all the time. Because of that, I stay away from pink unless absolutely necessary. I use makeup from all types of places. I use Cover Girl Queen Collection, Avon, MAC, and even lower end stuff like the kits you get from Walmart for like $19.99 and Walgreen for $14.99. I figured out, that if you do it right, no one really cares anyway.
On my face is at least three shades of pink. I do my own lashes (of course) and the eye pencil I use glides on perfectly. It's like a makeup equivalent to a sharpie marker, it stays on all day.
My hair color is a product by Creme Of Nature. I think I might do a tutorial on how to color your hair at home. I love this color on my skin and I'm having lots of fun with it.
Overall, I encourage people to wear what they want... when they want. I go by no rules or regulations because these designers and taste-makers don't pay my rent. If I want to wear peep toe shoes in a blizzard, as long as I have medical insurance, it's none of any one's business. Like I tell you time and time again, if they don't like it -
Tell 'em all... "F" your Style.